About us


Coach Ajaya Panda

Ajaya is a Keynote Speaker, Leadership Coach and a Business Growth
Consultant a

Coach Ajaya Panda

Ajaya Panda is the founder and director of Rebooot Life solutions Pvt.
Ltd. His life philosophy and guiding principles are based on the idea of LEAD
(yourself), CARE (everyone) and INSPIRE (the world).

Ajaya is a Keynote Speaker, Leadership Coach and a Business Growth
Consultant always works with the aim of serving the business organisations and
contributing towards the performance development of teams and their

He comes with 17 years of corporate experience in the field of HR,
Education, Coaching, Corporate Training and Business Consulting. He is
acknowledged for his energy and ability to connect with his audience in no
time. He believes in facilitating creative imagination to empower his
participants to the next level.

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"Ajaya's weekly newsletter shares real-life motivation, relatable stories, practical advice, and inspiring conversations, offering tools and inspiration for creating a better life in every issue."